Thursday, February 26, 2009

6 months and growing!

We went for Sadie's 6 month check up this morning. She is 15 lbs. 5 oz, 25.5 inches tall, and head cir. 42.5. She is very proportional, just under the 50% for all of those! She also starting sitting up all by herself this week! She showed the dr. her new skills and the dr. was very impressed:) All she wants to do now is sit! I took Sadie to Lifetime yesterday after work and she did great! I didn't get paged at all...they really just held her the whole time and she chewed on some toys...favorite thing to do these days. Hopefully i can get into a rhythm of working out again and taking her with me. When tennis is over i really want to take her up there on the weekends and get in the water with her...i really think she will love the pool. I can't say enough good things about the past month. Sadie is such a joy to be around! As most new moms know, the second you talk about how great your baby is sleeping, the next night is always something different! Babies are so inconsistent! I'm so happy to say that for the past 7 weeks Sadie has been sleeping great through the night! She goes to bed at 7 pm and wakes up at 6 am to eat, then goes back to sleep until 7 when we have to leave to go to work. She is taking a morning nap around 930/10 and will sleep for about 2 hours, and takes an afternoon nap around 2 or so and sleeps for about 2 hours. We started solids and it is going well, just a few more new foods to try...and she actually did like the peas! I guess thats all for now!

Monday, February 23, 2009

busy busy busy!

Well we have had a very busy weekend! Two playoff tennis matches, a Friday night work outing, and Sunday night dinner with friends! It went by so fast! Out mixed tennis team has made it to the third round of the exciting but i am ready for it to be over! If we win our next match we play for city champions! Women's season starts soon and practice picks up this week. Sadie hung out with Mimi Friday night, then Saturday she hung out with Uncle Micky, Nanna, and Aunt Paige, then on Sunday she hung out with Nanna and Nunnie. We also went to see the newest addition to our family...Tracy and Eric had a baby boy over a week ago so we went to see sweet baby Reid. He is so adorable and slept the whole time! On another note, Sadie is finally starting to enjoy her fruits and veggies! We still have a few that we still have to try, i'm nervous about the green ones:) I decided i was going to make her baby food myself but i can't get the puree the right consistency so when she can take the more lumpy kind then i will start making it. She is growing so much everyday..we think she has gotten taller, it's much easier to clean in her neck rolls than before:) She goes for her 6 month check up on Thursday so i will update all her stats! i think she will be close to 16lbs. Thats all for now!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


okay before you judge me, i'm only doing this whole blog thing for myself, not so others can read about me:) Since most of my conversations are with people under the age of 5, i thought this would be a good way for me to vent. For those of you who don't get to hang out with Sadie that much it's a good way to see how she is growing (and yes it is way too fast). So here's to blogging!

Please don't comment about my grammar, i know it's really bad