Saturday, August 21, 2010

She is 2!?

Well, today is my precious baby girls second birthday. So hard to believe that 2 years has gone by so fast. I can't imagine what my life would be like without her beautiful chaos that she brings to our family:) We are celebrating tomorrow with a close family dinner that we will be having at our clubhouse. Nothing fancy, no friends invited, just keeping it close family. Much less stress on us and on her:) Last night Sadie got to have a sleepover with me in my bed because Brent was gone and because it's her birthday of course:) It was so much fun cuddling with her (minus the kicking in the face at 4am). I took her to imaginations a play this morning and she had a blast of course. If you havn't been there yet it is a must for pre-school aged children. She got to paint a very lovely picture, play grocery store, play in a rub a dub dub bubble bath, and pretend to make me some delicious hot dogs. When we got home she got a couple of presents from mommy and daddy (a baby doll with bottles and a kitchen mixer for her kitchen). She is a true girly girl so she loves playing mommy and pretending to cook too:) We got her a tricycle but it still has not come in the mail yet and i wanted something small to give her on her special day:) We finished up the day with a birthday dinner out at Cheeky(which she didn't eat) with Uncle Micky. They brought out a piece of cake(which she DID eat) with 2 candles and sang happy birthday to her and she loved it. She couldn't believe that these people knew it was her birthday too! Now that the day is winding down, I still can't believe my baby girl is no longer a baby:( I remember her little infant cry like it was yesterday and knowing that she is growing up is so hard to take in. The past 2 years have been SO hard and SO amazing at the same time. Love you baby!! Happy 2nd Birthday!!