Tuesday, February 8, 2011

blogger of the year

So, i realize i'm not the best blogger. There is a lot to update on here(considering it's been about 6 months since my last update). Baby #2 is on the way and it's a BOY! We are thrilled and can't wait to be a family of 4. In 3 weeks we are taking our very first trip to Disney World. One last hoorah before baby #2 comes. Sadie is so excited she asks everyday to go to Disney World:) Another big change is that I will no longer be a nanny to Scottie and Josh. This is obviously very bitter-sweet for me as i have been their nanny for 6 and a half years!! Even though i will be really sad to leave them, i am really excited about staying home with my babies. I can't wait to not have to wake up Sadie in the morning and to not spend the 2-3 hours in the car each day that we currently do. Sadie is really going to miss playing with the boys though..we will definitely need to plan routine play dates for them. As far as Sadie goes, she is just divine! She talks non-stop about just about everything. She is almost fully potty-trained too which is great. She absolutely loves school and next year will start going 3 days. My goodness how fast she is growing. She has turned into the worlds biggest daddy's girl which melts my heart but also makes me a little sad when "no daddy do it" comes out of her mouth so often. I love my little family so much:) That's all for now!