Sunday, March 6, 2011

We're back!

Well, we survived our first family vacation to Disney World! We all had so much fun and made some wonderful Winzeler family memories. Usually vacations for us are about relaxing, but this trip was all about Miss Sadie. With this being the first trip to Disney for all three of us, we were kind of at a disadvantage. Yes, people gave us tips, told us to bring our wallets, etc. but it's so much to take in you just have to experience it first and learn on your own what to do/not do next time. Next time??? Yes, we will go back but not until ALL of our kids can experience all of Disney and we will only go one more time. I'm still not sure how we will afford to take all of our kids bc it will be expensive! Guess we should start saving now:) All in all it was a fantastic trip and i hope Sadie remembers at least some of it. I didn't take as many pictures as i would have liked, but i really wanted to enjoy the memories myself and not be behind the camera the whole time. If you ask Sadie what her favorite part of Disney World was she will tell you "race cars( but i'm not big enough to drive yet), teacups, dinosaurs, boats, train, and riding the school bus". and by school bus i mean the bus that took us from our resort to the parks. She also told us on the first day there that she wanted her wand to "boop" her and make her big so she could ride all the big rides. I can't believe she is already wishing to be bigger:( Here are a few pics from our trip.