Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2 weeks old

Hard to believe Van is already 2 weeks old..well just about anyways. Today we went in for his 2 week check up..we went in a couple days earlier than our original appt bc i had a couple questions i needed answered and didn't want to wait until the end of the week and definitely didn't want to go twice. So 1 day shy of 2 weeks he is 6 lbs 11.5 oz(yes he gained almost 12 oz in 8 days!), he is 20 inches long(grew 1 inch in 8 days also) so he is growing like a little weed! They say right now he is long and lean, 25 percentile for weight and head and 50 for height. He is still a great baby(knock on wood) and so far no signs of the extremely fussy baby we had with adorable almost 3 year old. He is pretty content when he is awake, just likes to look around. He really only fusses when he is getting changed or is ready to eat. Night times are still hard...he wakes up a lot to eat and grunts and makes a LOT of noises in his sleep. I can honestly say i forgot how hard the first few weeks(probably months) are. Sadie is still doing great with him and is really happy now that she isn't sick anymore and can give him lots of love:) She is going to be the best big sister:)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcome to the world, Van Thomas Winzeler!

Our little guy is finally here! After a very easy labor, Van Winzeler was born on May 19, 2011 at 1:14 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 5 oz and was 21 inches long(although he did have a conehead so he was actually only 19 inches long:)). He is so perfect and such a great baby. He was alert from the get go. And apparentley he takes after his daddy:) Sadie has not skipped a beat. It's like she was born to be a big sister. She wants to help with everything..from putting him down for a nap to helping to change his diaper. She adores him. I can't tell you how many times a day she says "look at him...he's so cute" in her sweet little voice. I have to say i miss her a lot. Exclusively breastfeeding (and Van has been eating a LOT) takes lots of time away from her. I can't wait for things to get just a little easier and i can spend more time with her again. My mom went back to work today so it was me all alone with Sadie and Van. Sadie is also sick:( My mom is going to come back tomorrow and friday to help out a little with her bc she just doesn't feel well and needs a little more attention that i can give her right now. We are adjusting great and are really looking forward to watching Van grow!

And props to Brent for capturing this sweet picture at the hospital(with a little guidance:))