Monday, July 11, 2011

11 weeks old!

Well, clearly i am not the best blogger:) Some people ask me "what do you do all day long, i could never stay home?" Let me tell you, i am always doing something! There is always someone to play with, a load of laundry to do(literally almost every day), cleaning, dishes, dinner etc. And if i'm lucky i can get in a quick shower and maybe get to dry my hair and put on some makeup. Now i know things will calm down, especially once Sadie gets back to school, but for now there is not much sitting down. I usually get to catch up on some shows while i'm nursing Van(until Sadie comes in and requests to watch Peppa Pig over and over and over again). So, from here on out my goal is to update the blog once a week(hopefully:))

Here are Van's 2 month stats. 10 lbs 14 oz, 22 1/4 inches long. i forgot head circ but everything was 25th percentile. He is just growing like crazy. I love him so very much:) He is such a happy baby too. He usually eats, has some awake time and play time and during this time he just smiles and coos and is so sweet. then he takes a nap and wakes up and does it all over again. He sleeps through tantrums, dogs barking, etc. He doesn't love the car. Somehow we have never had that baby who you can just bring in a restaurant and they just go to sleep. Van will not fall asleep in his car seat. If you put him in there asleep he will sleep but will never fall asleep in there. Guess no restaurants for us for a while:)

Sadie went through a pretty rough patch for a while there but i'm VERY happy to say that we have our sweet girl back. What i thought was a very severe case of the terrible threes(yes threes, two is not so bad afterall) was a bad case of sleep deprivation. We thought for a while there that she was ready to drop her nap and go to bed early so we did that for a while. bad idea. after about a week she was a nightmare. everything was a meltdown. So, i got all my old sleep books out and read up. turns out she was just way tired..needed an afternoon nap AND an early bedtime. So now she takes an afternoon nap around 1 for about and hour and a half and goes to bed around 8. I like early bedtimes:)
She is also on her way to being fully potty trained. I don't think it's a coincidence that after she started catching up on sleep that she started having less accidents. She also is mommys favorite helper:) she wants to help me with everything. From changing Van's diaper to cooking dinner, to washing my face..i mean everything. Sometimes things take much longer to do, but i don't think i'll ever get tired of hearing "can i help mommy?"

I guess i'll leave on that some stuff for next weeks blog:)