Monday, September 26, 2011

little thum sucker:)

This past weekend Van has really figured out how to suck his thumb. He has been doing it for a while now but had to work really hard to find the thumb. Now it goes straight in when he is tired....along with the other hand twirling the hair. I could just eat him up:) I'm sure it won't be so cute when he is 4 and sucking his thumb(please don't let him suck his thumb at 4), but it sure is cute now. I'm hoping that since he is getting so good at this we will have better nights. Last night he woke up just once to eat(which in our house is GREAT). i deal with waking up once. Let's hope for 2 good nights in a row though..something i don't think we have had yet!:/

Friday, September 23, 2011

4 month stats

Here are Van's 4 month stats. Growing boy!

14 lbs (up 3 lbs 2 oz, up to 50th percentile from 25-50 from last time)
25 inches long (up almost 3 inches from last time, up to 50th percentile from 25th)
Head circ 41.5 cm (25th percentile)

My sweet Van continues to be such a happy boy:) He may not be the best sleeper but he sure makes up for it with his sweetness all day long:) Love him!

Friday, September 9, 2011

teething already??

It appears that Van is getting in his two bottom teeth already! Sadie got her first tooth(well 4 at a time) at nine months old, then got 4 more by her 1st birthday. I have gotten bitten quite a few times while feeding Van(not good:)) and he has been extra fussy lately and not sleeping very well so i decided to peek in his mouth. To my surprise i found two white spots on his teeth where his bottom teeth will be coming in. He is getting pretty annoyed with me always looking in his mouth:) They are moving so slow! I'm hoping they cut very soon bc the poor guy just bites on his hands and screams half the time. Even with his teething troubles he is just the happiest baby! I remember when Sadie was this age she was very had to really work to get her to smile..this little boy just needs you to talk to him and he will give you all kinds of smiles and giggles. They are already so different!

Sadie started school this week at her new school and she hasn't skipped a beat. Thankfully, she loves school and learning. She immedietley came home and played "school" with all her people..telling them to go get their lunches and to raise their hands if they needed something. I can't brag enough about how smart she is(i'm her mother i'm allowed to)! Ever since she was just over 2 she has known every single letter of the alphabet and what sound it makes. she can tell you what ANY word starts with and she can do basic reading(cat, dog, etc.)

I'll post some pics soon..if i don't post this now it will never get posted!