Sunday, April 29, 2012

I swear, i blink my eyes and the weekends are over.  They just go by so fast!  I got to play tennis in the record high heat today but our team won all our lines and clinched the division!  So excited:)  I love my tennis Sundays and my team is so much fun.  We had a pretty busy weekend.  Last night we went out to dinner and yogurt with some friends and lots of kids.  Brent had his tennis match yesterday morning, and Friday night Brent grilled out some really yummy burgers and hot dogs for us.  It was a perfect weekend.  We wrapped it up with some Brusters tonight after finishing up the screen door for our back porch.  Life sure is good these days:)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

3 is hard

the age that is.....although i can speak from experience that 3 kids is hard as well. You would think after being a nanny for 6 years i would realize the different ages and the challenges that they bring. But, i forget a lot of stuff..maybe try to block certain things out:) Let's just say that there have been a lot of tantrums lately..mostly just from manipulating. She tries very hard to get what she wants. If she asks me for something and i tell her no, she will walk right up to Brent and ask him. We have a book called "Do princesses wear hiking boots", and it asks if princesses follow the rules. Sadie will admit that she always follows the rules in school. she has never been to time out at school and always listens to the teachers(their words, not mine). She does exactly what they tell her to do. Then she will say "but i don't follow the rules at home, because i don't like to". huh??Now don't get me wrong, the good FAR out weigh the challenges that we have been facing lately with our sweet little Sadie. I'm just hoping this phase passes very soon. Each child should come with a custom manual when they are born, based on their personalities. That sure would be nice:)

Van is getting so big! I really can't believe he will be 1 next month. where in the world did the last year go? He is still doing his army crawl(if you even want to call it that since it is more of a sideways army crawl), but hey at least he can get around:) He now has 6 teeth, three top and three bottom. I looked in his mouth today and saw one of the bottom teeth almost as tall as the ones that have been there for months and i felt like a horrible mother because i didn't even know that tooth was coming in!

We are looking forward to summertime, sleeping in, and lots of fun activities:) and the Beach!