Monday, March 16, 2009

Princess Sadie

Well there has been a lot going on these past two weeks. Our mixed tennis team did make it to the finals but we couldn't pull off a win. Thats okay though, we got much farther than we thought and we had a ton of fun...maybe next season:) Brent and I also decided that we would try and put our house on the us crazy i know. I think it will be listed on the 23rd of March. We aren't going to get our hopes up but if we do get a good offer on our house, it could mean that we get a great deal on our next house which we hope to stay in for the long haul. So if you know anyone iterested in a great starter home in Suwanee, send them our way! As for Sadie, she is perfect as ever! She is still sleeping excellent, the week of the time change kind of messed her up a little bit and she was waking up about once and we had to go and comfort her. I think it threw her off, especially going to bed when it was still light outside! We also decided (and by we i mean me:)) to stop letting her nap in her swing. She is starting to outgrow it and i don't want her to fall out! So far so good! I am ready to sell the swing i keep at work...maybe i will put it up on craigslist. Aunt Trisha took some great pics of Sadie last night and she did great! We are going to do some Easter ones at the park as soon as it gets warm out again.

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