Tuesday, May 19, 2009

new things

It has been a while since my last post, lots of new things going on! I'm happy to report that we officially have a contract on our house! I'm praying these next 2 weeks go by without a hitch with the inspection and appraisal (hearing appraisal these days makes me cringe). We aren't really sure where we plan on going, probably staying out in this area or possibly out in Roswell. Sadie is changing every day! I love my little goof so much, i really can't imagine life without her...what in the world did i do with my time before she came along? She is definitely teething...no false alarms here:) i can definitely see 3 of them under the gums getting ready to come up and the other top one is right behind them. This should make for a wonderful few weeks! Sadie is ready to be crawling....she now gets up on all fours and starts giggling then just rolls around. I think she keeps herself occupied just by rolling around the room these days. Doggie bowls will soon come up, and the house will definitely need to be baby proofed. Thanks for everyones sweet prayers for my Joshua...he and Scottie were playing outside one night and got hit with a hand shovel on his head and he had to get 3 staples put in his head. He is doing great and gets them out this Friday. Oh yeah, i had a wonderful first Mothers Day, great breakfast, the whole day to do what i want, and my new iphone which i love! Thats about it, i'll keep things posted with the house!

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