Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer lovin

I'm not very good at keeping this thing updated:) A lot has changed since my last post! First off we are NOT selling the house! We of course were disappointed when the contract fell through but we thought it was God telling us that it wasn't the right time for we will wait! Instead of thinking of all the things that i don't like about my house i'm going to be happy and remind myself how lucky i am to live in a house that our whole family can live in and be comfortable. On another note, Sadie has changed SO much! She now is crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, and every now and then she will just stand up alone:) For some reason, i think it will be a while before she starts walking:) She also has 8, yes 8, teeth! She got 4 teeth pretty much at the same time, and then a couple weeks later, the other 4 cut. I'm sure that there are more to come:/. We have also had a lot of changes at summer schedule has been very hectic with camp everyday.. We decided it would be best to let Sadie stay at Miss Jeannie's (she runs an at home day care with a couple of our friends babies going there). She did so perfect there! My work hours are not as flexible anymore though so i will not be able to take her there bc i would have to go to work first, then back to drop her off, then pick her up in the afternoon then go back to work and then home. Soooo, she is back with me starting now! I have mixed emotions bc she was having so much fun at Miss Jeannies...and i would be lying if i said i have not enjoyed having a little bit of a break, but i miss her so much! Scottie and Josh both miss her too:) I have a week off while they go to the beach and then we will be back to a somewhat normal routine! I am ready for school to start:) Scottie will go everyday to pre-k from 9:30-1 and Josh will go 3 days a week in the 3's class room. I think I will probably enroll Sadie in January to get her going too once she is close to dropping that first nap. Thats it for now!!

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