Thursday, July 29, 2010

We're Back!

I'm not even going to attempt to update on everything that has changed since my last post over a year ago. I promise I will try to do better at updating my blog:) Sadie is almost 2!! I really can't even believe it, it just seems so unreal. I remember the day she was born as if it were yesterday. Summer is almost over and i'm actually really excited about it! Summers are always hard with camp schedules/heat exhaustion, etc. Needless to say, I am very ready for Fall and school to start back up:) I also have been doing a little photography on the side with my dear sister. Although i still have SO MUCH to learn still, i really feel like i have come such a long way from this time last year with my point and shoot camera. I try and get Sadie out at least once a week to practice on just getting better. You have to start somewhere right?? Oh yea, Sadie is sleeping in a big girl bed!! After endless sleepless nights in her crib and constant battles i was wondering if maybe it was time for a change. She would nap in our bed during the day and always slept really well so we decided to try it. She sleeps in our guest room right now bc her twin bed is being antiqued along with an armoire that was Brents when he grew up. Hopefully she doesn't get too used to that big queen size bed:) Her vocabulary is really taking off too. She talks up a storm and for the most part I can understand her (i said for the most part:)). She is such a good listener and really obeys well....i know i am bragging on her but she's my baby! We had a great family beach trip back on Memorial Day and Sadie loved the ocean. I havn't taken her to the pool as much as i would have liked but i guess there is still time left. So here are some recent pictures i have taken of my sweet princess!


  1. Great pictures Sna! LOVE the pigtail pics...they're my favorites! In a few months I'll lend you a brand new baby for your picture practicing!!!

  2. yay! i love practicing on babies:)
