Friday, April 29, 2011


I have 9 days to go(give or take) and i have never been more ready! Don't get me wrong, the thought of 2 babies makes me a little nervous but i'm ready for the challenge:) So crazy to think that it's almost time for him to be here. I am extremely nervous this time around because with Sadie i was induced because of PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) so everything was kind of scheduled. As of now, my blood pressure seems to be normal, which is great, but i am a little nervous about "going into labor". I have heard so many stories of how much faster the second one is etc. and i am very anxious right now about everything! My labor with Sadie was really fast already so how much faster can it get? I guess i'm scared that i won't get to the hospital in time:) I think we are about 90% sure of the name, so at least i don't have to be anxious about that anymore:)

As far as Sadie goes, she has been a little challenging lately..i know, great timing right? She is changing SO much at such a fast pace, she is having a hard time keeping up. First off, her imagination is out of this world. It is constantly racing. It's great and all and i know it's part of her age but it is affecting everything. She has a hard time going to sleep bc of it. She is also getting very manipulating. She completely understands what we are telling her yet she will cry/ have a tantrum etc. just to see if we will give in. The trick here is to NOT give in:) A lot of times this is easier said than done! For the most part we stick to it and hopefully this manipulating stage won't last that long(yea right:)). We are starting to wonder if she may be ready to drop her afternoon nap. The ONLY night this week that she went to bed without a huge meltdown was the day i decided not to let her nap. That day was very difficult. She slept 11 hours that night and was in be at 7:30 which was awesome. These days she doesn't fall asleep until 9:30/10 or sometimes later. The only problem was she woke up at 6:30 that morning and there was just no way she could make it until bedtime. Sooo, we went back to naps, just taking them much earlier and no longer than 2 hours. So far, it has not worked. I guess tomorrow we will try no nap again, and maybe bedtime at 7pm rather than 7:30. and just hope that eventually she will adjust and get at least 12 hours of sleep. Wish us luck these next couple weeks...we will surely need it!!


  1. I know it will be a challenging adjustment for everyone, but it will be great too. Praying for Ms. Sadie to give you guys a break! Can't wait to meet your sweet little guy!

  2. Hope all is going well with Miss Sadie's sleep! And I CAN NOT WAIT to meet little Van!!!!
