Wednesday, January 11, 2012

back to life, back to reality

Now that our break is over, reality has officially set in. Daddy has to go to work everyday, and we have to be up and at em by 7:30 to get Sadie ready for school. Good thing tomorrow she gets to wear her jammies:) We had an amazing Christmas. This year was definitely the most fun so far. Sadie really got it. She asked for specific things for Christmas (well, she only asked for one thing..a baby doll that looked like her), but Santa thought she deserved more than just a doll:). She was really excited about Santa Clause..and very hesitant to sit with him this year. This was a little surprising because last year she let him pick her up and all. We have the sweetest Santa that comes to our clubhouse every year.

Both of the kids are doing awesome. Sadie is growing up everyday it seems. Age 3 has by far been the most difficult yet. I'm really not sure who coined the term "terrible twos" but two was nothing. 3 is all about manipulation, defying behavior etc. She still has her moments but she is so much better. Van is doing well too. He has 2 teeth now. yay! He is still the most happiest baby ever. He is rolling all around and sitting very good. No crawling just yet. I am one of those crazy moms who actually wants their baby to start crawling. I remember thinking the same thing with Sadie and everyone said i would regret it..i didn't. Right now, Van is just frustrated. He wants something and he can't get it. I love playing with him and all, but i'll be happy when he can get around a bit on his own. The only thing i am nervous about is all of Sadie's small toys. She knows that he can't have small things, but man she has a LOT of pieces to her toys. I really can't believe he will be 8 months next week. Where in the world has the time gone?

Today was the first full successful day without sleeping at all in his swing. He took 2 1.5 hour naps and one 45 min one. I think i'm going to have a party when we put that swing in the attic.

I don't remember his 6 mo stats, but i do know that he is 18lbs, 5oz right now. Growing boy!


  1. Yay for good naps! I know that makes you super happy! Cute pics...both getting so big!

  2. Love all the pictures! Keep em' coming!
