Friday, March 2, 2012

9 month stats

Just a quick post about Van's 9 month stats. Still not quite sure how he is 9 months already!:(

19lbs 9 oz (25-50% %)
28 3/4 inches long (50%)
head circ(not sure of the number but 50-75%

big boy is growing! he has one more tooth coming through up top right now, and the other top one looks right behind it. He still isn't crawling, but the Dr. isn't worried since he is hitting all his other milestones. He is just pretty laid back and content just watching. He is doing MUCH better on his tummy though..he used to immediately roll over to his back but now he will stay a while on his tummy and then eventually roll over but he will also roll back onto his tummy down. he also has mild torticollis where his right side of his neck is a little tight and tilts that way a little. we have to do some massaging and exercises with him but i also think i may take him to a pediatric chiropractor to check him out. He got a new medicine for his infant acne (he has two spots on his face from where he had 2 blemishes like 2 months ago and the spots are still there). This is much different than "baby acne". most babies experience some sort of baby acne within the first few months of life and it eventually clears up. infantile acne starts after 6 months and is very stubborn acne. sometimes lasting longer than 6 months. It's not very common at all. Poor lil Van:( She thinks this cream will work better than the one we were using that the dermatologist told us to use. we shall see. Other than that, he is just as perfect as can be. We are very thankful that those things are all we have to worry about:) He continues to be just the best lil guy i have ever met. he is so sweet, laid back and just so happy.

I'll try to post again about our last month of fun and sickies:)

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